Photos From My Travels Through Norway
Norway Has it All.
Beautiful mountains, Fjords, lowlands, icy wilderness, countless islands, extra ordinary history and hardly anyone lives there.
Norway has it ALL!
Beautiful mountains, fjords, lowlands, icy wildness, countless islands, extraordinary history and hardly anyone lives there.
This is Flam. Considered one of the most stunning landscape in the country.
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The Viking spirit is still in their blood.
A typical Norwegian family on a day out in Flam
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The Best pub in Flam. Well... the only pub in Flam and its a beatuy,
Built to look like an old Viking hall and it has its own mico-brewery.
Its a win, win situation!
Flam: Allegedely the most beautiful place in Norway, according to the tourist board
Unforgetable train journey to get there... Wow!
plus, halfway into the trip, the train stops for a 5 min photo op. Here you will see Huldra singing to you under
a waterfall, some say she a beautiful mythological creature, i say an out of work actress.
The Viking spirit is still in their blood
This is how to get your panoramic top shots
To be honest, everywhere you point the camera in Norway ,you will get a great picture. And this is the best way to get that perfect panoramic shot...